As a team,we are happy to asure you that you will going to be informed for each event(s) that happened either in kikanda or other schools.


"Genki" world of songs, games and exciting lessons.English is possible for our children.
This program is good for your students, and their parents since their learning more than you could imagine and begging you for more.

"The Genki approach to learning English works by engaging all of the learners' senses and appealing to a wide range of learning styles. Children are engaged visually through the simple but striking graphics, aurally/orally through the simple chants and songs and limited amounts of graded vocabulary input and kinaesthetically through the actions and games. Because all of the learning tasks are organised as game-like activities, children are immediately motivated to take part."

>Genki English
We are still giving you about what happened  in Genki English last year at Sultan Hotel venue,so far we have many photos just to call up your attention and memorizes all events occured from begining until the end of the program.Kikanda will continue to post anything that happens during the program.

''I believe in you,do what i told you right ''
                               Mr said
 Some of the Members,Mr muhidin(red shirt) try to explain something during the discussion time

                                         All members
                                         Mr genki

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